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Anna Wang, 說德文中文和英文

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聯絡人: 陳中成 總經理 in 台+中+英;專利師;企管碩士+企管博士
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linkedin address:Dale Chen Linkedin



What are the categories of cosmetics in Germany? What is its official name?
What is the intensity of management of different categories?
What is the governmental authority of cosmetics? Website?

Evershine RD:


德國是歐洲聯盟(European Union)會員國之一,化妝品進口、銷售需遵守歐盟協定的化妝品法規,化妝品通過歐盟協定的化妝品法規完成電子登錄以及通過德國當地食品、菸草製品化妝品和其它日用品管理法當中針對化妝品要求的有害物質、重金屬測試後,使得銷售。

‘Cosmetic product’ means any substance or mixture intended to be placed in contact with the external parts of the human body (epidermis, hair system, nails, lips and external genital organs) or with the teeth and the mucous membranes of the oral cavity with a view exclusively or mainly to cleaning them, perfuming them, changing their appearance, protecting them, keeping them in good condition or correcting body odours.

Germany is a member state of the European Union, and the import and sale of cosmetics must comply with the cosmetic regulations of the EU agreement. Cosmetics can be sold after completing the electronic registration through the European Union’s cosmetic regulations and after passing the tests for harmful substances and heavy metals required by cosmetics in the German local laws: Lebensmittel- und Futtermittelgesetzbuches (LFGB).







If a foreign company wants to sell cosmetics in Germany, no matter if it sets up a 100% subsidiary or branch, does it need to obtain an approval from local health bureau before the company’s registration?
If so, what are the requests? What are the required documents and application procedures? Website?

Evershine RD:


No business license is required.





If a foreign company wants to sell cosmetics in Germany, can it assign a Germany company to act as a business agent?
What are the requests for acting as a business agent? What are the required documents and application procedures?
What is the product liability of foreign companies and the business agents? Website?

Evershine RD:



1. 製造商:如果在歐盟內製造。

2. 進口商:如果產品製造商在歐盟以外製造。

3. 經銷商:如果是將自己的品牌產品投放市場。

4. 指定人員或公司:由製造商或進口商指定並以書面形式授權。


1. 歐盟公民(不論居住地)。

2. 居住在歐盟或是歐洲經濟區會員國的自然人。

3. 在歐盟或歐洲經濟區內成立的公司(註冊辦事處,中央管理機構或主要機構)。

4. 在歐盟或歐洲經濟區內建立的組織。


1. 確保該化妝品符合歐盟化妝品規章規定

2. 確保該化妝品對人體健康及安全無害,在化妝品投放市場前,確保化妝品已完成安全性評估並符合標準,且須提供消費者充份資訊。

3. 化妝品上市時,負責人應當保存產品信息檔案,自最後一批化妝品上市之日起保存十年。

4. 應準備產品資訊檔案向銷售地點之各會員國權責機關查閱,需以成員國主管機關易於理解的語言提供。

5. 在將化妝品投放市場之前,負責人應通過電子方式向執委會,執委會亦須將該等資訊再迅速傳送各會員國權責機關。






.致癌、致突變或生殖毒性物質的名稱和化學文摘或 EC 編號


6. 當化妝品投放市場時,負責人應將原始標籤、合理清晰的包裝照片通知委員會。

7. 如果對化妝品中含有的任何物質的安全性存在嚴重疑問,則在市場上銷售含有該物質的產品的成員國的主管當局可以通過合理的要求要求負責人提交一份他負責並含有這種物質的所有化妝品清單。清單應標明該物質在化妝品中的濃度。

8. 若產品不符規定,責任人須召回已在歐盟境內銷售產品。如果該化妝品已符合規定卻仍證實對人體有害,各會員國權責機關可採取必要措施,亦可能要求召回產品。

Yes. Only cosmetic products for which a legal or natural person is designated within the EU as a ‘responsible person’ can be placed on the market. The new cosmetics regulation allows the precise identification of the responsible person is and clearly outlines their obligations. For non-EU goods entering the EU and EFTA regions, according to regulations, a local legal person or natural person in the EU must be designated as the company’s “designated person in charge” Responsible Person (RP) in order to sell products in the EU region. Responsibilities of the person in charge of the product: to ensure the compliance of the products introduced into the European market, to undertake all the relevant obligations stipulated by the EU cosmetics regulations, and to be the main contact person for cooperation with the competent authorities.

The Designated Responsible Person can be:

1. Manufacturer: If manufactured within the EU.

2. Importer: If the product manufacturer manufactures outside the EU.

3. Distributors: if they put their own brand products on the market.

4. Designated person or company: designated by the manufacturer or importer and authorized in writing.

Prerequisites must meet one of the qualifications:

1. EU citizens (regardless of residence).

2. Natural persons resident in the European Union or in a member state of the European Economic Area.

3. A company established in the European Union or the European Economic Area (registered office, central authority or principal body).

4. Organizations established in the EU or the European Economic Area.

Responsible person’s obligations:

1. Ensure that the cosmetic product complies with EU cosmetic regulations

2. Ensure that the cosmetic is harmless to human health and safety. Before the cosmetic is put on the market, ensure that the cosmetic has completed the safety assessment and meets the standards, and must provide sufficient consumer information.

3. When the cosmetics are listed, the person in charge shall keep the product information files for ten years from the date of the last batch of cosmetics.

4. The product information file should be prepared for inspection by the competent authorities of the member states in the place of sale, and it should be provided in a language that the competent authorities of the member states can easily understand.

5. Before selling cosmetics, the person in charge should electronically send the information to the Executive Committee, and the Executive Committee should also promptly transmit the information to the competent authorities of member states.

. Cosmetics category, name

. Name and address of the person in charge of the product

. country of origin

. Member State placing the cosmetic on the market

. Nanomaterials (including chemical name, exposure conditions). Name and Chemical Abstract or EC Number of the carcinogenic, mutagenic or reproductive toxicant

. Medical treatment in case of problems.

6. When cosmetics are sold, the person in charge shall notify the committee of the original label, reasonable and clear packaging photos.

7. In the event of serious doubt as to the safety of any substance contained in cosmetic products, the competent authority of the Member State in which products containing the substance are marketed may, upon reasonable request, require the person in charge to submit a copy of which he is responsible and contains such substance. All cosmetic list of substances. The list should indicate the concentration of the substance in the cosmetic.

8. If the product does not meet the regulations, the responsible person must recall the product that has been sold in the European Union. If the cosmetic product is in compliance with the regulations but it is still proven to be harmful to the human body, the competent authority of each member state may take necessary measures, and may also require the product to be recalled.







Do foreign companies need to apply for an approval before importing cosmetics sold to Germany?
If yes, which authority is in charge? What documents are required? What is the application process?
Do cosmetics packaging and labeling require prior approval? In addition to German, which other languages are allowed? Website?

Evershine RD:



1. 品名及類別

2. 負責人姓名及住址

3. 原產國

4. 化妝品將要上市銷售之會員國

5. 必要時應註明實際連絡人的詳細資訊  

6. 奈米物質

7. CMR 物質的存在

8. 遇到問題時的醫療處理

9. 原始標籤和包裝的照片



1. 化妝品的製造、成分、材料、預期用途

2. 投放市場

3. 化妝品的評估結果

4. 負責人的信息

5. 化妝品的定量或實質性組成

6. 對人體健康的副作用等


1. 化妝品有害化學成分及重金屬測試。

2. 某些成分,如防腐劑、染料或紫外線過濾劑必須獲得批准。



1. 產品負責人或公司名稱及住址

2. 進口化妝品之原產國

3. 包裝時之容量(以重量或體積表示) ,但包裝少於 5 克或 5 毫升、免費樣品和單次應用包裝的情況除外。對於通常作為多個出售的預包裝,其重量或體積的細節並不重要,只要包裝上出現項目的數量,則無需提供內容。

4. 最短保質期:應明確表示,並應按月/年或日/月/年的順序組成。如有必要,該信息應補充說明為保證規定的耐用性必須滿足的條件。對於最低保質期超過 30 個月的化妝品,不應強制標明保質期。對於此類產品,應註明產品在開封後的安全期限,並可在不損害消費者的情況下使用。

5. 使用注意事項:包含列於歐盟化粧品法規專業產品的注意事項。

6. 製造批號或依據,如果由於化妝品太小而由於實際原因無法做到這一點,則此類信息標示在在包裝上。

7. 化妝品的產品功能,可以僅在包裝上標明,清單前應以“成分”一詞開頭。

8. 成分列表:若成分含量≥1%則按含量高至低順序列出;若含量<1%則可以任意順序列出。成分列表可只在包裝上標示。成分是指化妝品在製造過程中有意使用的任何物質或混合物,以下不應被視為成分:



9. 其它注意事項

.香水和芳香組合物及其原料應稱為“香水”或“香氣” ,除了香精或芳香這兩個術語外,還應在成分表中註明


.用於染髮的著色劑以外的著色劑可以以任何順序列在其他化妝品成分之後。對於以多種色調銷售的裝飾性化妝品,可以列出除用於染髮的著色劑以外的所有著色劑,前提是添加“可能包含”字樣或符號“+/-”。(應使用 CI(顏色指數)命名法)



The EU cosmetics regulations stipulate that enterprises, before selling cosmetics products, need to complete the electronic registration in the cosmetics registration system. The European Commission will communicate the login information to the competent authorities and poison management centres or relevant bodies of each Member State.

Required documents:

1. Cosmetics name and category

2. Name and address of the responsible person

3. Country of Origin

4. Member States where the cosmetic product will be marketed

5. If necessary, the actual contact details should be indicated

6. Nanomaterials

7. Presence of CMR Substances

8. Medical treatment in case of problems

9. Photos of the original label and packaging

Before selling in Germany, it is necessary to notify the competent regulatory agencies of the federal states, and after passing the inspection of harmful substances stipulated in Germany, the cosmetics can be sold.

Notification content:

1. Manufacture of cosmetic products, ingredients, materials, intended use

2. Placing on the market

3. Cosmetic evaluation results

4. Information of the responsible person

5. Quantitative or substantive composition of cosmetics

6. Side effects to human health, etc.

Test items:

1. Testing of harmful chemical ingredients and heavy metals in cosmetics.

2. Certain ingredients like preservatives, dyes or UV filters must be approved.

Labeling and Packaging

Without prejudice to other provisions in this Article, cosmetic products shall be made available on the market only where the container and packaging of cosmetic products bear the following information in indelible, easily legible and visible lettering:

1. Responsible person or company name and address

2. Origin Country of Imported Cosmetics

3. Capacities (expressed by weight or volume) as packaged, except for packages less than 5g or 5ml, free samples and single-use packages. For prepackages that are usually sold as multiples, the details of their weight or volume are not important, as long as the number of items appears on the package, the content need not be provided.

4. Minimum shelf life: should be clearly stated and should be composed in the order of month/year or day/month/year. If necessary, this information shall be supplemented by a description of the conditions that must be met in order to guarantee the specified durability. For cosmetic products with a minimum shelf life of more than 30 months, the expiration date should not be mandatory. For such products, the safety period of the product after opening should be stated and it can be used without harming the consumer.

5. Precautions for use: Contains the precautions for professional products listed in the EU Cosmetics Regulations.

6. Manufacturing batch number or basis, if this is not possible because the cosmetic is too small or due to practical reasons, such information is indicated on the packaging.

7. The product functions of cosmetics can only be indicated on the package, and the word “ingredients” must be used before the list.

8. List of ingredients: If the content of the ingredients is ≥1%, they are listed in the order of highest content; if the content is less than 1%, they can be listed in any order. The list of ingredients may only be indicated on the packaging. Ingredient means any substance or mixture that is intentionally used in the manufacture of cosmetic products, the following should not be considered as ingredients:

. Impurities in the raw materials

. Auxiliary technology materials used in mixtures but not present in final products

9. Other Notes

. Perfume, fragrance composition and its raw materials shall be called “perfume” or “aroma”, except for the two terms of essence or fragrance, which need to be indicated in the ingredient list

. All ingredients in the form of nanomaterials should be clearly stated in the ingredient list

. Colorants other than colorants used in hair coloring may be listed after other cosmetic ingredients in any order.For decorative cosmetics sold in multiple shades, all colorants except those used for hair coloring may be listed, provided the word “may contain” or the symbol “+/-” is added. (CI (Color Index) nomenclature should be used)

. For soaps, bath balls, and other small products, for practical reasons, the information cannot appear on the label, hang tag, tape or card or accompanying flyer, this information should appear on the notice immediately adjacent to the cosmetic sales container.

.Germany is one of the 27 member states of the EU, and the Cosmetic Labeling Act requires certain information on the label to be in the official language of the country of sale: German.







Can a foreign company apply for a product license by its own name? If yes, which authority is in charge?
What documents are required? What is the application process? Do cosmetics packaging and labeling require prior approval?
In addition to German, which other languages are allowed? Website?

Evershine RD:









1. 品名及類別

2. 負責人姓名及住址

3. 原產國

4. 化妝品將要上市銷售之會員國

5. 必要時應註明實際連絡人的詳細資訊  

6. 奈米物質

7. CMR 物質的存在

8. 遇到問題時的醫療處理

9. 原始標籤和包裝的照片



1. 產品負責人或公司名稱及住址

2. 進口化妝品之原產國

3. 包裝時之容量(以重量或體積表示) ,但包裝少於 5 克或 5 毫升、免費樣品和單次應用包裝的情況除外。對於通常作為多個出售的預包裝,其重量或體積的細節並不重要,只要包裝上出現項目的數量,則無需提供內容。

4. 最短保質期:應明確表示,並應按月/年或日/月/年的順序組成。如有必要,該信息應補充說明為保證規定的耐用性必須滿足的條件。對於最低保質期超過 30 個月的化妝品,不應強制標明保質期。對於此類產品,應註明產品在開封後的安全期限,並可在不損害消費者的情況下使用。

5. 使用注意事項:包含列於歐盟化粧品法規專業產品的注意事項。

6. 製造批號或依據,如果由於化妝品太小而由於實際原因無法做到這一點,則此類信息標示在在包裝上。

7. 化妝品的產品功能,可以僅在包裝上標明,清單前應以“成分”一詞開頭。

8. 成分列表:若成分含量≥1%則按含量高至低順序列出;若含量<1%則可以任意順序列出。成分列表可只在包裝上標示。成分是指化妝品在製造過程中有意使用的任何物質或混合物,以下不應被視為成分:



9. 其它注意事項

.香水和芳香組合物及其原料應稱為“香水”或“香氣” ,除了香精或芳香這兩個術語外,還應在成分表中註明


.用於染髮的著色劑以外的著色劑可以以任何順序列在其他化妝品成分之後。對於以多種色調銷售的裝飾性化妝品,可以列出除用於染髮的著色劑以外的所有著色劑,前提是添加“可能包含”字樣或符號“+/-”。(應使用 CI(顏色指數)命名法)



Only companies or natural persons registered in the EU member states can apply.

Prerequisites must meet one of the qualifications:

1. EU citizens (regardless of residence).

2. Natural persons resident in the European Union or in a member state of the European Economic Area.

3. A company established in the European Union or the European Economic Area (registered office, central authority or principal body).

4. Organizations established in the EU or the European Economic Area.

The EU cosmetics regulations stipulate that enterprises, before selling cosmetics products, need to complete the electronic registration in the cosmetics registration system.

Required documents:

1. Cosmetics name and category

2. Name and address of the responsible person

3. Country of Origin

4. Member States where the cosmetic product will be marketed

5. If necessary, the actual contact details should be indicated

6. Nanomaterials

7. Presence of CMR Substances

8. Medical treatment in case of problems

9. Photos of the original label and packaging

Labeling and Packaging

Without prejudice to other provisions in this Article, cosmetic products shall be made available on the market only where the container and packaging of cosmetic products bear the following information in indelible, easily legible and visible lettering:

1. Responsible person or company name and address

2. Origin Country of Imported Cosmetics

3. Capacities (expressed by weight or volume) as packaged, except for packages less than 5g or 5ml, free samples and single-use packages. For prepackages that are usually sold as multiples, the details of their weight or volume are not important, as long as the number of items appears on the package, the content need not be provided.

4. Minimum shelf life: should be clearly stated and should be composed in the order of month/year or day/month/year. If necessary, this information shall be supplemented by a description of the conditions that must be met in order to guarantee the specified durability. For cosmetic products with a minimum shelf life of more than 30 months, the expiration date should not be mandatory. For such products, the safety period of the product after opening should be stated and it can be used without harming the consumer.

5. Precautions for use: Contains the precautions for professional products listed in the EU Cosmetics Regulations.

6. Manufacturing batch number or basis, if this is not possible because the cosmetic is too small or due to practical reasons, such information is indicated on the packaging.

7. The product functions of cosmetics can only be indicated on the package, and

8. List of ingredients: If the content of the ingredients is ≥1%, they are listed in the order of highest content; if the content is less than 1%, they can be listed in any order. The list of ingredients may only be indicated on the packaging. Ingredient means any substance or mixture that is intentionally used in the manufacture of cosmetic products, the following should not be considered as ingredients:

. Impurities in the raw materials

. Auxiliary technology materials used in mixtures but not present in final products

9. Other Notes

. Perfume, fragrance composition and its raw materials shall be called “perfume” or “aroma”, except for the two terms of essence or fragrance, which need to be indicated in the ingredient list

. All ingredients in the form of nanomaterials should be clearly stated in the ingredient list

. Colorants other than colorants used in hair coloring may be listed after other cosmetic ingredients in any order.For decorative cosmetics sold in multiple shades, all colorants except those used for hair coloring may be listed, provided the word “may contain” or the symbol “+/-” is added. (CI (Color Index) nomenclature should be used)

. For soaps, bath balls, and other small products, for practical reasons, the information cannot appear on the label, hang tag, tape or card or accompanying flyer, this information should appear on the notice immediately adjacent to the cosmetic sales container.

.Germany is one of the 27 member states of the EU, and the Cosmetic Labeling Act requires certain information on the label to be in the official language of the country of sale: German.






What documents are required when importing approved cosmetics into Germany? What is the procedure?
Any preparation is required to submit to the Ministry of Health and Welfare for selling products? Website?

Evershine RD:



1. 品名及類別

2. 負責人姓名及住址

3. 原產國

4. 化妝品將要上市銷售之會員國

5. 必要時應註明實際連絡人的詳細資訊  

6. 奈米物質

7. CMR 物質的存在

8. 遇到問題時的醫療處理

9. 原始標籤和包裝的照片



1. 化妝品的製造、成分、材料、預期用途

2. 投放市場

3. 化妝品的評估結果

4. 負責人的信息

5. 化妝品的定量或實質性組成

6. 對人體健康的副作用等


1. 化妝品有害化學成分及重金屬測試。

2. 某些成分,如防腐劑、染料或紫外線過濾劑必須獲得批准。

The EU cosmetics regulations stipulate that enterprises, before selling cosmetics products, need to complete the electronic registration in the cosmetics registration system. The European Commission will communicate the login information to the competent authorities and poison management centres or relevant bodies of each Member State.

Required documents:

1. Cosmetics name and category

2. Name and address of the responsible person

3. Country of Origin

4. Member States where the cosmetic product will be marketed

5. If necessary, the actual contact details should be indicated

6. Nanomaterials

7. Presence of CMR Substances

8. Medical treatment in case of problems

9. Photos of the original label and packaging

Before selling in Germany, it is necessary to notify the competent regulatory agencies of the federal states, and after passing the inspection of harmful substances stipulated in Germany, the cosmetics can be sold.

Notification content:

1. Manufacture of cosmetic products, ingredients, materials, intended use

2. Placing on the market

3. Cosmetic evaluation results

4. Information of the responsible person

5. Quantitative or substantive composition of cosmetics

6. Side effects to human health, etc.

Test items:

1. Testing of harmful chemical ingredients and heavy metals in cosmetics.

2. Certain ingredients like preservatives, dyes or UV filters must be approved.






德國化妝品審核機構,需要附上的實驗室檢驗資料有哪些? 網頁?

What are the laboratory inspection materials that need to be attached for verification? Website?

Evershine RD:


1. 化妝品的生產應符合良好生產規範(GMP)

亦可採用與該標準同等級之其他標準或體系。在歐盟地區是由業者自我管理,企業不需要提供任何 GMP 證書或要求歐盟主管機關核發 GMP 認證。

2. 化妝品安全報告 (CPSR)的產品信息文件 (PIF)










3. 動物試驗及驗證結果

4. 奈米材料

.如有必要,將委託消費者安全科學委員會 (SCCS) 評估奈米材料的安全性。

The responsible person needs to apply in the EU’s Cosmetic Notification Portal (CPNP), including the following:

1.Compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)

Other standards or systems of the same level as this standard may also be used. In the EU region, it is self-managed by the industry, and the company does not need to provide any GMP certificate or require the EU competent authority to issue GMP certification.

2.Product Information File (PIF) for Cosmetic Safety Report (CPSR)

. Qualitative and quantitative composition of product ingredients

. Cosmetics physical, chemical and stability

. Microbial content

. Information on Impurities, Residues and Packaging Materials

. Product Labeling and Warnings

. Use of cosmetics

. Toxicological information on ingredients, ingredients

. Adverse Reactions and Serious Adverse Reactions

. (Other related) information on cosmetics, etc.

3.Animal experiments and verification results

4. Nanomaterials

.If necessary, the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) will be commissioned to assess the safety of nanomaterials.




德國有毒物質檢測機構 (官網提供)
Giftnotruf Berlin
Giftzentrale Bonn
Vergiftungs-Informations-Zentrale Freiburg
Universität Mainz
Giftnotruf München






After a foreign subsidiary imports cosmetics and entrusts a distributor in Germany to sell it, does the distributor need a cosmetics business license? What are the respective responsibilities of foreign subsidiaries and distributors if cosmetic products have quality defects? Is it joint liability? Or can the responsibility of the foreign subsidiary be regulated?

Evershine RD:

1. 如果發生嚴重不良影響,負責人和經銷商應立即將以下事項通知發生嚴重不良影響的成員國的主管當局:

. 合理、預期的所有嚴重不良影響

. 相關化妝品的名稱

. 糾正措施

2. 如果負責人向發生影響的成員國的主管當局報告了嚴重不良影響,該主管當局應立即將第 1 段所述的信息傳送給其他成員國的主管當局。

3. 如果分銷商向發生影響的成員國主管當局報告嚴重的不良影響,該主管當局應立即將第 1 段中提到的信息傳送給其他成員國的主管當局和負責人。

4. 如果最終用戶或衛生專業人員向發生影響的成員國主管當局報告嚴重的不良影響,該主管當局應立即將有關化妝品的信息傳送給其他成員國的主管當局和負責人。

1. In the event of a serious adverse effect, the person in charge and the distributor shall immediately notify the competent authority of the Member State in which the serious adverse effect occurs:

. All serious adverse effects reasonably expected

. The name of the relevant cosmetic product

. Corrective Actions

2. If the responsible person reports serious adverse effects to the competent authority of the affected Member State, that competent authority shall immediately transmit the information referred to in paragraph 1 to the competent authorities of other Member States.

3. If the distributor reports serious adverse effects to the competent authority of the Member State affected, that competent authority shall immediately transmit the information referred to in paragraph 1 to the competent authorities and persons in charge of other Member States.

4. If serious adverse effects are reported by end users or health professionals to the competent authority of the Member State in which they are affected, that competent authority shall immediately transmit the information on the cosmetic product to the competent authorities and responsible persons of the other Member States. .







Frankfurt time zone:
Anna Wang, 說德文中文和英文

China Time Zone:
聯絡人: 陳中成 總經理 in 台+中+英;專利師;企管碩士+企管博士
Mobile: +886-933920199 in Taiwan; Mobile: +86-139-1048-6278 in China
TEL: +886-2-27170515 E100 ;
Wechat id:evershiinecpa;
Line Id: evershinecpa
Skype: daleccchen ;
linkedin address:Dale Chen Linkedin


所長 Principal Partner:
陳中成 Dale C.C. Chen;
會計師 in 台灣+中國+英國/企管碩士+企管博士/台灣專利師;
CPA in Taiwan+China+UK/ MBA+DBA/ Patent Attorney in Taiwan;
Mobile: +86-139-1048-6278 in China ;
Mobile:+886-933920199 in Taipei;
Wechat ID: evershiinecpa ;
Line ID:evershinecpa;
Skype:daleccchen ;
Linkedin Address:  Dale Chen Linkedin




柏林; 斯圖加特;布拉格;布加勒斯特;班加羅爾;泗水;
永輝潛在可服務城市 (2個月籌備期):
我們為IAPA會員所,總部在倫敦,全球300個會員所, 員工約1萬人。
我們為LEA會員所.總部在 美國芝加哥,全球600個會員所, 員工約2萬8千人。
Evershine is local Partner of ADP Streamline® in Taiwan.

更多城市更多服務 請點擊 網站導覽

September 15, 2022


Email:fra4ww@evershinecpa.com或德國永輝BPO有限公司Frankfurt time zone:Anna Wang, 說德文中文和英文或China Time Zone:聯絡人: 陳中成 總經理 in 台+中+英;專利師;企管碩士+企管博士Mobile: +886-933920199 in Taiwan; Mobile: +86-139-1048-6278 in ChinaTEL: +886-2-27170515 E100 ; Wechat id:evershiinecpa; Line Id: evershinecpaSkype: […]
August 28, 2022


德國 Amazon賣家的VAT服務; 幫貴司以外國公司身分申請VAT證;幫貴司以外國公司身分申請EORI。協助將貴司進口德國時繳交的19%增值稅取得進項稅額資格。當貴司被要求採用DDP完稅交貨也適用。擔任貴司在德國的VAT營業稅代理人,記錄,計算、報稅、繳交服務。 EU.VAT@evershinecpa.com林幸穗協理 (Director Anny Lin)skype: annylin8008 /wechat: annylin8008M : +886-937-606-272 / O: +886-2-27170515 E110 Please link below web pages:德國非居民公司 VAT相關服務在德國只要申請VAT 及EORI 證號 就可賣到德國及歐盟,您知道嗎?德國及歐盟-非居民公司-VAT議題深入版問答集德國增值稅代表人與關務代表人機制 永輝為台灣到歐洲Amazon賣家特約第三方服務商永輝為台灣到歐洲Amazon賣家特約第三方服務商關於到透過歐洲Amazon賣貨的稅務及海關進口事務,都可以找我們。英國+歐盟,如德,英,法,荷,義,西,波瀾,羅馬尼亞等 […]
July 7, 2022


除了提供您審閱德國醫療器材登記法規問題和答案; 永輝關係企業也提供 德國醫療器材產品許可證登記服務,協助準備所需的文件和申請過程的跟進與維護。 Email:fra4ww@evershinecpa.com或德國永輝BPO有限公司Frankfurt time zone:Dr. Chris Wu, 說德文中文和英文或China Time Zone:聯絡人: 陳中成 總經理 in 台+中+英;專利師;企管碩士+企管博士Mobile: +886-933920199 in Taiwan; Mobile: +86-139-1048-6278 in ChinaTEL: +886-2-27170515 E100 ; Wechat […]
May 10, 2022

為什麼選擇永輝? Why Evershine?

永輝在近20個國家,近50個城市,提供一站式 服務有實作經驗,非僅依據理論及法規提供貴司建議。 永輝是結合資訊、法規、語言的三棲複合體。 雲端協同作業平台+嫺熟機器人RPA之應用。 顧問諮詢不論在簽約前及簽約後都是免費。 良好的教育訓練機制培育國際人才。 接洽人: 陳中成 首席合夥人/會計師/專利師 WhatsApp: +886-933920199 Wechat ID: evershiinecpa Line ID:evershinecpa Skype:Daleccchen Linkedin address:Dale Chen Linkedin E-mail: dalechen@evershinecpa.com 永輝對客戶的貢獻是什麼? 我們在近50個城市有實作經驗(Hands-On Experiences),協助客戶快速順利在海外拓展據點,減少客戶探索走錯路的風險及成本。 永輝是一個跨國一站式的服務平台,建立於1992年至今30年,已經在近20個國家或地區服務約1,000家客戶。 台灣的先民先進入台北後,在往宜蘭移動時,沒路可走,披荊斬蕀,備極辛苦,最後找出來草嶺古道。 […]
April 11, 2022


專利申請服務與專利續展服務有何不同?一般公司繳交續展專利的痛點為何?永輝有何更好辦法?為什麼需要委任外部服務業者,代繳各國智慧財產局專利規費?使用永輝專利續展服務大幅降低專利續展費用的配套措施為何?永輝專利續展服務作業流程何?到各國智慧財產局的繳費作業程序為何?永輝有什麼優勢為貴司代繳? Email:fra4ww@evershinecpa.com 或 德國永輝BPO有限公司 Frankfurt time zone: Anna Wang, 說德文中文和英文 或 China Time Zone: 聯絡人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 協理 手機:+886-937-606-272 skype: annylin8008 wechat: annylin8008 電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110 […]
April 11, 2022


永輝專精服務在德勒斯登的台積電供應商。 德國主要城市公司設立登記,商標登記,進出口證,特許行業申請等。公司設立後雲端系統支援的會計薪資服務。德國與臺灣同事攜手協同爲您服務。為地球暖化盡一份心力,減少空中旅行。 德國主要城市公司設立登記,商標登記,進出口證,特許行業申請等。公司設立後雲端系統支援的會計薪資服務。德國與臺灣同事攜手協同爲您服務。為地球暖化盡一份心力,減少空中旅行。Email:fra4ww@evershinecpa.com 聯絡人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 協理手機:+886-937-606-272    skype: annylin8008    wechat: annylin8008電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110     德國外資公司註冊程序Germany’s foreign-owned incorporation Procedures(digested from World Bank: www.doingbusiness.com 2021/0610) 1在當地工商會審查公司名稱機構:工商會Check company’s name at the […]
March 21, 2022


在德國沒有允許外商在德國設立辦事處的規定。由於您沒有德國法人實體,因此您需要在德國指定常駐代表(PR)。由PR取得一個所得稅號碼做為工資稅號,所有與工資相關的社會繳款(社會保險、保險、工資稅等)都在該稅號處理。雖然指派常駐代表(PR)後能夠僱用更多員工,但長期經營時,為了可持續地發展您的業務,必需開設您自己的德國子公司。 Email:fra4ww@evershinecpa.com 或 德國永輝BPO有限公司 Frankfurt time zone: Anna Wang, 說德文中文和英文 或 China Time Zone: 聯絡人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 協理 手機:+886-937-606-272 skype: annylin8008 wechat: annylin8008 電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110 […]
March 16, 2022

在德国只要申请VAT 及EORI 证号就可卖到德国及欧盟,您知道吗?

欧盟EORI 证号申请服务, 德国VAT证号申请服务,德国VAT计算申报及代收代缴税款服务,欧盟VAT计算申报及代收代缴税款服务,欧盟跨国间货物贸易统计申报服务 。 德国VAT相关服务项目 德国及欧盟-非居民公司-VAT议题深入版问答集 请用下列电邮与我们联系: xmn2de@evershinecpa.com 工商登记服务–接洽人: 翁炳朝 经理  WeChat ID: yaoren01522 or 财会薪资税务服务–接洽人: 何巧凤  注册会计师 WeChat ID: 15980900260 地址:厦门市思明区湖滨南路百脑汇大厦724室 湖滨南路与白鹭洲路交口,靠近厦门市政府 情境: 有一家公司Lucky Company (不是真名,简称Lucky),计划销售货物到德国及欧盟,但在当地并不需要雇用员工,那一定要去德国及欧盟设立子公司吗? […]
March 16, 2022

德国非居民公司 VAT相关服务

歐盟EORI 證號申請服務, 德國VAT證號申請服務,德國VAT計算申報及代收代繳稅款服務,歐盟VAT計算申報及代收代繳稅款服務,歐盟跨國間貨物貿易統計申報服務 。 在德國只要申請VAT 及EORI 證號 就可賣到德國及歐盟,您知道嗎? 德國及歐盟-非居民公司-VAT議題深入版問答集 請用下列電郵與我們聯系: xmn2de@evershinecpa.com 工商登記服務–接洽人: 翁炳朝 經理  WeChat ID: yaoren01522 or 財會薪資稅務服務–接洽人: 何巧鳳  注冊會計師 WeChat ID: 15980900260 地址:廈門市思明區湖濱南路百腦匯大廈724室 湖濱南路與白鷺洲路交口,靠近廈門市政府 德國VAT相關服務範圍 […]